Gray Cards and White Cards

Photography Tips by Stephany Poce

A gray card is usually used to get the right amount of exposure in a shot. Sometimes when you are shooting in bad light situations like dark objects or snow the exposure meters on cameras have a difficult time figuring out what the right exposure is so the snow ends up appearing more gray or a black object looks more gray also. The gray card can help remedy this.

When you take a photograph of a gray card the middle of the scale will be higher. On many cameras this raise is usually 1/3 a stop under exposed. That's why many of the professional photographers use light meters instead of cards because the cards have different levels of reflection. When I want a warmer feeling I use the gray card for white balancing and the white side for a slightly cooler feel. However, everything depends on how the card is being held, the light source and the camera. It also depends on whether you are shooting outside or inside.

copyright 2017 Stephany Poce

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